Regular Activities at the Hall
Please check the Calendar for the most accurate information regarding dates and times of the clubs that are summarised below:
For more information about activities see Activity Details or the links below.
(Contact numbers are 01270 unless stated otherwise)
Line Dancing - early afternoons - Sue Jepson #07974 622813
Monday Bowls - late evenings - (Oct - Mar)
Stepz School of Dance & Acrobatics - afternoons - Kerry Gillick (email) #07598 169792 (website)
Karate - early evenings - Natasha Mathews #07494 5596987
Toddlers - mornings (term-time only) - Glynis Dennis (email) #07962 130542 (Facebook)
Parish Council - evenings (1st Monday of the month) - Parish Council Clerk (email)
Crewe Green Beavers - evenings - Steph Fearn (e-mail)
One You Weight Management Program - evenings - Free Friendly Local Support & Resources For Healthy Living : One You (, contact #0808 1643202
TPCS Short mat Bowls - afternoons (Oct - Mar) - Harry Gascoigne (e-mail)
Life Drawing Classes - mornings/evenings (2nd and last Wednesday of the month) - Amy Hughes (e-mail)
Craft Circle - afternoons - Angie Jones #766516
Thursday Short mat Bowls - afternoons (Oct - Mar) - Greg Parkin #255032
Toddlers - mornings (term-time only) - Glynis Dennis (email) #07962 130542 (Facebook)
Karate - late afternoon/early evenings - Natasha Mathews #07494 5596987494 559698
Badminton - evenings - Rohit Topiwalla #07919 833344 & Peter Stanier #760450
Scrapbook Crop - daytime (4th Saturday of the month) - Jemma Sharrock (email)
H.A.T.S. Drama Group - mornings - contact via their Facebook page